From: Susie Gallagher <[email protected]>
Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2020 1:15 PM To: Wendy Francis <[email protected]> Subject: Re: Questions re local council voting Hi Wendy First of all thank you for taking the time to contact me and seek my position on these issues. To keep it simple I have answered underneath each of your points:
2. Overtly sexualized advertising in public spaces is negatively affecting our children’s wellbeing. Do you support efforts to bring outdoor advertising into line with existing community standards for children’s viewing? Yes as a woman and a mum of a young woman but I don't believe this is the purview of council I would support a common sense approach - if advertisers wont do the right thing then I would suggest we step in but this is governed by Ad Standards Australia so we need to work with them to ensure we are all on the same page. 3. Domestic violence is a growing problem and is set to become exponentially worse in the wake of COVID-19. Would you endorse more support for local community initiatives aimed at preventing domestic violence on the Gold Coast?' yes I need more information on what those initiatives are, what they will cost, who will be implementing them, what other funding do they have etc - these need to be inclusive services and cater for all sections of our community irrespective of race or religion or sexual persuasion. 4. Drag Queen entertainment is a recognized form of adult entertainment. If a decision was to be made whether or not to approve Drag Queen storytime for children in council libraries, how would you vote? I am of the live and let live ilk. I grew up watching Dame Edna and I am not confused. I was never confused. My daughter has special needs. She asked for weeks to go to Drag Queen Bingo, I think it was just the bingo but she would have seen entertainers. Larger than life, very animated entertainers but she would not have registered their differences. Her mind would not go to what they do in their own homes or bedrooms, her innocence might see her try to look under their wig or their makeup to see if they are real. The need to discuss the sexual choices of people has never come up and I don't believe children in the library would have really cared who read to them as long as they were in the moment, in character and engaging. I don't like to see children exploited in any way as political fodder. 5. The current town plan makes no allowance for places of worship in the areas of the city where people live. Would you vote to support an amendment to the town plan to correct this? In a Christian country these seems odd. It may simply be that a material change of use application is all that would be required to create a place of worship as churches these days don't often look like the one I used to go to as a child. I don't believe councils should be building these or providing the land to do so. If they are providing the land then the agreement needs to be of a commercial nature and the contribution to the community determined and agreed upon in real terms to stop charlatans from setting up and ripping off communities and using loopholes to get rich without providing any service or support to the community. I am happy to discuss any of these questions and my response to them. I am open to hearing views from all members of our society and our community. I believe we are aligned mostly on these issues but I cannot lie and I see all of us as god's people not just a selected few. If you have specific ideas for Southport/Division 6, my door will always be open as the elected representative. Should things go a different way on 28th March, I will still be a part of our community and working for positive change for those who voices are rarely heard - the elderly, the infirmed, the indigent and the disabled. Should you have any further questions, do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Kind regards, Susie Gallagher From: Wendy Francis <[email protected]> Sent: Friday, 20 March 2020 5:58 AM To: [email protected] <[email protected]> Subject: Questions re local council voting Dear Susie Congratulations on nominating for the Gold Coast City Council. I hope you are keeping well in these very unusual times! I am the Qld Director for the Australian Christian Lobby and we have well over 1,000 supporters in your area who want to make their vote count. ACL supporters are very focused on what is in the best interests of every citizen and particularly our children and so, to assist them in voting, could you please let us know your answers to the following questions -
Thank you very much for taking the time to answer these important questions for our supporters in what I am sure is a very hectic time for you. Kind regards, Wendy Wendy Francis State and Territory Director – Qld and NT Spokesperson for women and children PO Box 6347, Mitchelton QLD 4053 +61 411 431 141 | /ACLobby Susie Gallagher
Sun 15/03/2020 9:32 PM Dear Mr Duncan I am in receipt of your letter dated 10th March 2020 and informational flyers you included. Thank you for taking the time to seek me out and to make me aware of your needs not to mention our appalling track record of neglect. I recently released a short video about homelessness and touched on disability as a common contributing factor in many cases. We have so much work to do. We cannot keep ignoring the needs of 20% of our population. I will be the voice for the elderly and the disabled in the Gold Coast City Council. I have been caring for my mum for 16 years. My brother committed suicide and my dad died of cancer and so she was alone. I came home from Tokyo to take care of her with my 3 year old daughter in November 2003. In January 2004 my daughter was diagnosed with autism then in March my mum suffered a couple of strokes. I have a very real understanding of what it is like to have to make ends meet on a pension, what it is like to put your family to bed, lock up the house and sneak out to do your job in the middle of the night and be home at 6.30am to prepare breakfast and get your special child off to school. I chose to self manage my daughter's measly funding in the final year of DSQ so I would have some insight on how to operate when the NDIS rolled out. I am not sure it helped! I started working in the sector was dismayed at company's viewing my daughter and my mum as part of their bottom line. So I left and started a small company of my own thinking I would just help a few of my daughter's mates mums navigate the system. Gold Coast NDIS registered provider | Own 2 Feet Pty Ltd | Queensland Own 2 Feet Pty Ltd is a Gold Coast NDIS registered disability service provider. New to the market place, small family owned business - looking after your young adults as if they were our own. I am a registered SDA provider although I do not operate any houses at this time. I am very familiar with the Liveable Housing Guidelines and I have a very firm understanding of SDA and think they should be in all new developments - at least at silver if not gold level. Platinum housing is a must but no en masse as we can't trust builders to get them right just the proverbial "they" keep moving the goal posts. Perhaps we could encourage (read force) developers to include this in their future developments along with things that make living on the poverty line slightly easier such as solar power and water tanks. I am renovating my own home to open it to a couple of young people like my daughter in a couple of years time. I also have a very detailed unique solution to help many people in my position but I haven't moved forward with that yet. I concur that an "assessment of future need should reflect the fact that disability could happen to anyone; no one ‘plans’ to have a disability." I am also aware of how SDA is funded and would love to see some public housing built to these guidelines however that is not in council's purview. I have a 3 tiered approach to attack the issue of homelessness in our city but it will not be a quick fix neither I am afraid will be the issue of disability housing. Please be assured it as important to me as it is to your members. The success of the NDIS scheme to paramount to my daughter's future and safety so I am a confirmed allay! With respect to your summarized points: 1.Access and inclusion plans Upon election, I will meet with your group within the first month and/or convene an open meeting to discuss the needs of Division 6 residents who have a disability, or create a plan to implement the actions needed 2. Disability parking I understand that we police the disability car parking passes issue in our shopping centres and I presume in general vigorously but am happy to investigate upon election exactly where we focus our attention and where we do not and make amends to that. I will review the number of spaces we have and work to increase those over the the first term - when I am sure of the timeframe required to deliver on this I will advise in writing. 3. Community connections This is one of the items on the agenda for our first meeting to create a wishlist of infrastructure improvements to and from homes, services and venues. This will include repairs needed to footpaths, kerb ramps, crossovers and pedestrian crossings as a start. 4. Economic development I am vocal about our councils error in judgement with their obsession with certain overseas markets. I wholeheartedly support the small business operators who offer inclusive tourism opportunities and will work to ensure they are included in the workshops and other opportunities our Economic Development Office has on offer. I am also very keen to educate other businesses on how to better serve people with a disability and find opportunities to undertake projects together if a council qualifies for grants/funding offers. 5. Transport After consultation with the residents of the division, who I will need to examine how truly accessible our transport options are, is a must before can create a plan to improve those. The move to ensure the lions share of our health and legal services remain in the CBD should signal a focus on repairs and changes as outlined already. 6. Housing yes people with disabilities should have choice and control and not be shoved into developments as an afterthought. Retro fitting supports is costly and well, just plain ridiculous when some forethought would alleviate much of the extra cost - I am about doing things right the first time. I support ensuring more accessible housing options in the centre of the CBD for those that can deal with that and further out for those who need something different to survive. I hope I have gone some way toward answering your letter satisfactorily and I look forward to working closely with you in the coming term. Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Kind regards, Susie Gallagher From: Reece Wallen <[email protected]> Sent: Wednesday, 11 March 2020 2:46 AM Subject: Information for your consideration Dear Council Candidate Please find attached some information which we would like you to consider in your campaign for Councillor in the upcoming elections. Reece Wallen Advocacy Officer - Inclusive Local Communities Spinal Life Australia Supporting people with spinal cord damage to live accessible, equitable and empowered lives. Phone: 1300 774 625 Mobile: +61 400504422 Email: [email protected] Website: Mail: PO Box 5651, WEST END QLD 4101 Susie Gallagher
Wed 11/03/2020 8:25 AM Hi Neil thanks for your email and your question. I won't refer to it as "climate change" or "global warming" because those terms polarize sensitive people 😉 I am flabbergasted that this isn't already happening but I want to fight for changes to planning and building laws to ensure more sustainable and environmentally friendly development - reuse, reduce, recycle! I would like to pressure the developers to adopt a cradle to cradle mindset/concepts for building. This is about creating structures that are zero emissions and use products that don't add to our issues. (Are you familiar with William McDonough? Cradle to cradle design | William McDonough Green-minded architect and designer William McDonough asks what our buildings and products would look like if designers took into account "all children, all species, for all time." TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers are ... and here is a short video from his co author The big mistake of environmentalists: Michael Braungart at TEDxAmazonia Michael Braungart -- German chemist who is trying to reinvent the productive model of humanity. Along with the American architect William McDonough (his partner at McDonough Braungart Design Chemistry), wrote the book "Cradle to Cradle", which attempts to design a system in which there is no waste in industrial production. Traditional ... This might be a bit too much for many so I'd start with small steps - and push for every single building on the Gold Coast made to have water tanks and solar power. Are we aligned here Neil? Or am I sounding like a "leftie greenie nutter"? These people make so much money off the backs of others I can't see why we can't be more choosy and have ones who are willing to think ahead not just be focused on filling their pockets. What are your thoughts? What would you do Councillor xxxx? Kind regards, Susie From: xxxx Sent: Wednesday, 11 March 2020 7:45 AM To: [email protected] <[email protected]> Subject: Policy query Hello Susie I was was wondering what your stance is on climate change, and if elected, whether you will pursue policies and procedures on the GCCC that help mitigate global warming. Sincerely, Neil XXXX address removed Ashmore 4214 Susie Gallagher
Sun 8/03/2020 11:00 PM
Hi John thank you for your email. Please see my replies below in green, should you like to discuss any of these points further - please let me know. Are you now or have you ever been a member of a political party? Which party? No What organisations are you a member of?
What is your track record in advocating in the public interest? I have worked with families for positive outcomes in matters concerning Centrelink, NDIS, Education Queensland and DOCS. How is your campaign being funded and staffed? By myself, my family and a few close friends who believe in me and know I can make a difference. I have had some members of the public offer to volunteer also which has been very humbling. How do you envision fostering two-way communication with your constituents? Whatever why the individual constituent needs ...some may need interpreter support, some may need a home visit due to illness, disability or mobility issues, some may need a visit to their clubs or associations but in general
Where do you stand on: The Spit cruise ship terminal proposal? Do you support spending ratepayers’ money on an environmental impact assessment for the CST proposal? No Do you support spending over $1 million of ratepayers’ money on a cableway environmental impact assessment? No What are your top priorities for improvements to the City Plan?
Coomera Connector/M2 impact on northern suburbs? This is a state/federal government issue. This is outside the purview of council and councillors so any promises should be taken with a grain of salt. I believe it is GCCC's job to ensure that local roads are up to the job of handling any deviations/detours that need to be created to enable the upgrades The extension of light rail south to Coolangatta?
What are your priorities for public transport on the Gold Coast?
What is your opinion of plans to establish beach bars on five public beaches, to sell food and alcoholic drinks? Who is running them? Who is profiting from them? What are their hours of operation? Who is cleaning up? Can't they walk to the shops that pay rates and rents across the road? We don't have any bins on the beaches What is the difference between this and other things for sale? How will they control it? How will they control RSA? Are they walking down to the beach to the people or are they just after a land grab on the beaches? Do you think it is necessary for Council to continue to purchase more land for either conservation or recreational uses as the population grows? Yes What is your opinion of a second casino? No thanks The Ridong development proposal Tallebudgera Valley and the Songcheng development on the Carrara Floodplain? I am not sure this level of foreign investment is wise particularly given the volatility of the market. Who will insure this development on a flood plain? What is the small print in the contract of the sale and the ongoing maintenance etc? What are their rates? I love the idea of a wellness resort I love the idea of an art gallery but what about the one at Bundall and why do we need one there and now when the GCCC squashed a great one we had in Surfers and then in Southport? I think development in that area must low to medium rise I would like to see the actual plans, the improvements to surrounding infrastructure and the impact on homes and roads in the area to make a firm decision. What are your top 3 priorities for the city? Picking just 3 is hard .... and I have a focus in Division 6......I believe the job is to act as a conduit between the people and the council by strengthening connections, solving problems and finding solutions for the locals with the locals; > Create a task force comprised of established, successful and ethical groups to tackle the homelessness issue - it cannot be fixed at 1 level or by 1 person. People should be valued and loved, we all need to make a contribution to the community in which we live to the best of our ability ...some people need help to find that ability and then the outlet. > Protect our green and open spaces while ensuring (division) assets are operating profitably, not sold off > parking and public transport availability and accessibility If I can have a few more: > To spend our money at home - in the community, supporting local businesses, artists, designers and entertainers - stop to spending money on overseas talent when we have so much here. > Fight for changes to planning and building laws to ensure more sustainable and environmentally friendly development - reuse, reduce, recycle.....cradle to cradle concepts for building, zero emissions, all new building should have water tanks and solar power > To implement more accountability and transparency in Council operations and less closed doors. > clean up our streets - if that means bring hard rubbish day back, then let's do that....if it was too expensive the way we used to do it - let's find a new way! Thank you for your email and I hope to meet you in my travels. Kind regards, Susie Gallagher Susie Gallagher Division 6 Susie Gallagher for Division 6 GCCC 2020. I grew up in Division 6. I went to kindergarten here. Then primary school, high school and later university. Susie Gallagher - Leader of the Opposition in Division 6 - Home | Facebook |
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